Wim Hof Method Fundamentals Workshop


‘Ignite your inner fire’

 Breath | Ice Bath | The Science | Commitment | Sound Bath

Whether you are looking to improve mental or physical performance, relieve symptoms related to an illness, or are just curious to find out what the Wim Hof Method is all about - come and join us!

We’re back at Niki Perry’s magical Cowshed in Chichester, West Sussex for our Summer Solstice edition Wim Hof Method Fundamentals Workshop on Friday 21st June with Singing Bowl Therapy, Gong Meditation and Fire Pit Release.

You can put yourself in the expert hands of James, a level 2 certified WHM Instructor to learn the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method: Breathing Technique, Cold Exposure & Commitment. Find out how you can utilise oxygen and cold exposure to optimise body & mind, and learn about the underlying physiology which will help you to tap into your deepest potential and create a daily practice at home to help you rise and thrive. You will discover how the Wim Hof Method helped James reduce his cancer tumours and manage PTSD and depression stemming from 10 years in the Fire service. You will learn how the Wim Hof Method helped Natalie’s mind set whilst supporting James through cancer and is able to manage her auto-immune disease and adrenal fatigue when she commits to the method. We also weave in our other expertise including qigong, singing bowl therapy and gong meditation to enhance your experience as you discover your true capabilities and become Healthier, Happier and Stronger ~ the Wim Hof Mantra!

Although there is always a rough outline, a 'no program' approach is a Wim Hof Method mantra. For the best experience, go in with an open mind and without expectations. The start- and end times listed in this section are subject to change.

  • 11.00am - 11.15pm > Registration, Retreat Remedies ‘Breathe’ Herbal Tea and Settle In

  • 11.15pm - 1.00pm > Welcome, The Wim Hof Method Story, Breathwork Science, Theory, Mechanics and Safety Protocols

  • 1.00pm - 2.00pm > Breathwork Practice with Singing Bowls and Gong Sound Therapy and Snack

  • 2.00pm - 2.30pm > Mindset, Cold Exposure Theory and Science, How to approach the Ice Bath

  • 2.30pm - 3.30pm > Ice Bath and Warming Techniques

  • 3.30pm - 4.00pm > Lets gather back to celebrate, Fire Pit Release and Share Experiences

If you have no prior experience with cold exposure, we recommend you finish your showers cold in the days leading up to the workshop. This may be overwhelming at first, but just try to relax, focus on your breath, and bring it into a controlled, steady rhythm.

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is suitable for everyone, but does require a basic level of health. Out of precaution, we advise against participation during pregnancy, or if you are epileptic. People with cardiovascular issues, or any other serious health conditions should always consult a medical professional before starting the Wim Hof Method.

We advise to eat light, if at all, before the workshop

Investment €140 (approx £120) to enjoy this powerful day event in community whilst gaining knowledge, experience and skills to build your own daily practice at home

What to Bring

  • Bring a Yoga Mat (or equivalent), blanket, swimwear, towel or dry robe, wear layers, water bottle and a note book if you like to take notes!


  • Blessed Yoga The Cowshed, Hatchers, Sidlesham Common PO20 7PY



Check out James Bradshaw Instructor page ~ Click Here

Check out our google reviews page ~ Click Here





Breath ~ The first pillar of the Wim Hof Method® is breathing. We’re always breathing, yet we’re mostly unaware of its tremendous potential. Heightened oxygen levels hold a treasure trove of benefits, and the specialised breathing technique of the Wim Hof Method unearths them all: more energy, reduced stress levels, and an augmented immune response that swiftly deals with pathogens.


ICE ~ The cold is your warm friend and one of the three pillars of the Wim Hof Method®. Proper exposure to the cold starts a cascade of health benefits, including the buildup of brown adipose tissue and resultant fat loss, reduced inflammation that facilitates a fortified immune system, balanced hormone levels, improved sleep quality, and the production of endorphins— the feel-good chemicals in the brain that naturally elevate your mood.


Commitment ~ The third pillar of the Wim Hof Method® is the foundation of the other two: both cold exposure and conscious breathing require patience and dedication in order to be fully mastered. Armed with focus and determination you are ready to explore and eventually master your own body and mind. Building a like minded community around you will help you commit.

Advantages of the Wim Hof Method breathing exercises

Practicing the specific breathing exercises of the Wim Hof Method will release your inner fire. The exercises are focused on deep and rhythmic inhalations and exhalations, described by Wim as ‘controlled hyperventilation or power breathing’ and are followed by a retention time, where you hold your breath for a x amount of time. By practicing the breathing exercises, you are releasing more energy, influencing your nervous system and changing various physiological responses. You are inducing voluntarily a short stress response which ultimately will lead to more resilience towards everyday stress, mentally and physiology and feeling more in control.

These breathing exercises are only one of three pillars that form the Wim Hof Method. The other two pillars are cold therapy and training your mindset. When combined, the three pillars will help you to become stronger and gaining better health. Known benefits of the Wim Hof Method include:

The Wim Hof Method is also linked to reducing symptoms of diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, asthma, sarcoidosis, vasculitis, and several autoimmune diseases.

reference: www.wimhofmethod.com



You will have the care and attention from Level 2 Certified Wim Hof Method Instructor, two experienced and trained Sound Healers, Reiki Master and 800 hours advanced yin yoga teacher who understands the physical body, energetic body and mind - you are in good hands!





Yoga has changed my life. For years I suffered with Adrenal Fatigue and an Autoimmune Disease, that combined with being a workaholic in the corporate world often meant choosing to work 13-hour days and using all my energy up at work that often meant that I had nothing left for me, let alone time for my family or friends. After becoming dependent on steroid injections, western medication and coffee just to get through the day I decided to come back to Yoga and explore a more holistic lifestyle. Rather than continue to book holidays in a desperate attempt to recharge, I started to go on Yoga retreats and train to become a Yoga teacher which soon became a huge turning point in my life because it gave me the space to rest, spend time with like minded people and also learn tools that I needed to make changes in my life. Very quickly I found that a more regular Yoga practice offered me much more than the physical benefits and in fact the actual physical poses were only a small part of ‘doing’ Yoga. As I continued to dig deeper, not only did I become stronger and more mobile in my body but I had reduced pain, raised my energy levels, improved my mental health and my whole perspective significantly changed. I said goodbye to my corporate life and set out on a new path find a solution other than a lifetime on western medication and guess what - I haven't taken western medication for over 7 years and have managed to keep my autoimmune issues at bay (unless I fall into old habits!) Even now with over 1000 study hours with many global master teachers and reading hundreds of books, I continue to search for and experience alternative ways to live at optimal health in this modern world. Going deeper into the layers is my passion, specifically in conjunction with traditional Chinese medicine, organ health, the energetic body and breath work. Sound and Reiki has also been a huge influence in my healing path which is why James (my husband) and I love to work together and create healing and transformational experiences which we can offer on a private basis, group classes, workshops or retreats.





Working in the fire and rescue service was my dream job and after making the difficult decision to leave after 10 years service I lost my way a little. I missed helping other people and felt something was missing. I proceeded to spend another 10 years building up my own renovations and maintenance company and whilst really enjoying meeting new people, the practical side of working with my hands and being creative I still felt I had more to offer. In 2011 I injured my spine in a car accident and the doctors said that I would need to start saving for a £20k operation to remove some of my spine which would manage the pain. The injury was affecting my life and somedays I couldn’t walk – this is where my journey started in looking for alternative ways to heal. I started regular yoga classes and very soon I regained strength, mobility and reduced pain. It was actually in the yoga studio that I saw a leaflet for Reiki and became very curious in how I could tap into my own healing potential. In the back of my mind I knew this was the tool I could use to help myself and others. It has been quite a journey working towards my Reiki master degree and digging deeper into the potentials of Sound Therapy. Collectively it has taken my own healing ability and what I can offer to a whole new level which in fact has recently helped me fight cancer for the 2nd time. Understanding Cancer triggers, how to prevent, slow down, and potentially cure with lifestyle and alternative healing methods has become a big area of interest for me and Natalie - we continue to research, experience and explore ways to help ourselves and others live at optimal health in this modern world.

And guess what… I no longer need the spinal operation!

Niki Perry of Blessed Yoga

Niki Perry's vision sprung from a lifetime of experience and teacher training with Baron Baptiste power vinyasa  – a dynamic yoga flow that combines strength, sweat and spirituality, to detoxify, heal and electrify. Suitable for all levels and ages, this flowing form of yoga will transform your practice, whether a beginner or seasoned yogi,  strengthening and toning your body, opening your heart and leaving you feeling stronger, happier and more able to deal with the daily challenges that life throws at you. 

The more you practice, the deeper you will connect with yourself, others and the world around you. Your body will change shape and your mind will become calm and peaceful.

The Blessed Yoga teachers, classes, workshops and community are  unique. We all have challenges, fears and anxieties. The Cowshed – our rural, peaceful yoga studio – is the heart of a wonderful community who will envelope you, support you, and help you achieve balance both on and off the mat.'




Friday 21st June 2024 at Blessed Yoga, Chichester, West Sussex > Investment is €140 (approx £120) per person.

Don’t forget to check out our other Wim Hof Method Events or Retreats!